Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Hello Dolphin Class
We hope you are all well and enjoyed the wonderful weather over half term.
Did you take part in the skipping challenge? Skipping gets your feet moving, your head working and your heart and lungs pumping so it is a really good exercise.
Below are this week's files. To help you with your maths, remember to visit the BBC Bitesize website, or the White Rose Maths website, where there are videos to explain the learning.
Spellings are on Purple Mash and other activities you can do. We are marking your work so remember to have a look once you have posted it back to us.
This week we are going to think about how we are all the same but different. Each one of us is unique, even if we look a little bit like a brother or a sister or share likes and dislikes with our friends.
Remember we would love you to share your learning on Twitter @CGPrimarySchool it always makes us smile!
Be Kind, keep smiling and stay safe
From all the Year 4 Staff