
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Our Year 2 teacher is Miss Jackson. We are supported by Mrs Pawsey.


We are looking forward to completing lots of exciting learning this year. If you require any support or have any questions please do not hesitate to come and find us.


Year 2 PE days are Tuesday and Wednesdays. Children should come to school in their school uniform and will change before the lesson. For children wearing earrings these need to be taken out or covered up.


Our class author is Anthony Browne, we are Browne class. We are currently basing our English lessons around his books. We are really enjoying reading them together as a class.



Some of our favourite Anthony Browne books so far...

Summer 2

DT- Designing and making a healthy wrap!

English- Letter Writing

In English, we have been using our plans to write a letter to Flat Stanley in Mexico! We cannot wait for his reply!

Sports Day 2024!

Sports Week- Tri Golf.

We had lots of fun playing Tri Golf as parts of Sports Week this week.

Mexico Day!

We had a fantastic time immersing ourselves in all things Mexican! We tried Mexican food, created masks and drew our own self portraits just like Frida Kahlo!

Science Week 2024

As part of Science week, Year 2 enjoyed completing their timed, 200m sprint as part of a whole school analysis of which class has the fastest average time.

Summer 1


In Science, we enjoyed taking our learning outside to investigate habitats and microhabitats. 

Experimenting with Watercolour paints in Art!


We love our weekly spelling competition to see which table can complete their spellings the fastest. We can only get the point if they are all spelt correctly!

Finding a quarter in Maths!


In Science we enjoyed taking our learning outdoors to investigate things which are dead, alive or have never been alive!


We enjoyed pretending we were a baker at the time of the Great Fire of London! We used our hands and emotions to convey to our partner how and what we wanted to do.

Investigating Temperature

We took our maths learning around school today as we investigated the temperature in different areas of school! We used key words and focused on comparative language- hotter and colder.

Spring 2

Maths- Measuring in Millilitres 

We measured in millilitres for the first time today! We have been investigating volume and capacity and took it in turns to measure different quantities.

DT- Designing and Making Moving Monsters

In DT we have been making moving monsters- we learnt all about what leavers and linkages our and used our knowledge to produce our final piece. 

Comic Relief 2024!

English- Fact Finding

During todays English lesson we mastered the art of note taking and fact retrieval! We researched all things dinosaurs to use in our non-chronological report.

Maths- Length and Height

In Maths, we took it in turns to measure ourselves and then use our problem solving skills to work out other class members height. We then ordered ourselves from smallest to tallest!

World Book Day!

We had a fantastic day for world book day! We enjoyed lots of reading and fun learning.


We have had a great time skipping and completing fitness challenges in PE.

Maths- Money Problems

In Maths this week we have enjoyed finding how to make the same value using different coins and differing quantities.

Road Safety

We had a great time this morning learning how to stay safe when crossing the road! We learnt all the precautions we must always take when crossing the roads.

Spring 1

Safer Internet Day 2024

As part of Safer Internet Day, we listened to the story of Mo and Jaz and used our new learning to create hand prints to consolidate our understanding of how to stay safe online.

I can speak to...

To stay safe online I can...

We had a fantastic time at Church completing a mock baptism as part of our RE learning-welcoming new life.


We spent our geography lesson researching facts about the different continents. We then shared our findings with the rest of the class!

Peg pirate dolls!

In our art lesson, we made peg pirate dolls inspired by the artwork of Edwina Bridgeman.

Pirate Day!

We had a great day learning all about Pirates as part of our English and Geography learning all about Oceans and Continents!


As part of our science learning we have been asking the question 'what do we need to survive?'. We went outside with only food, water and rope. We then had to make our own shelter and use our problem solving skills to "survive". 

Autumn 2

We have been investigating the shapes and edges of 3D shapes. We enjoyed pairing up with people with the same amount of faces or edges!

In DT we have enjoyed assembling our Christmas stockings this week. We now only need to add the finishing touches! 

Maths- 2D Shapes

In Maths we have been learning the names of 2D and 3D shapes. Today we focused on the names of 2D shapes and their properties.


We enjoyed practising a running stitch in preparation for our Christmas stocking making.

York Railway Museum

We had a fantastic time getting the train to York. We learnt all about our topic of the railways and George Stephenson!


In our RE lesson we have been learning all about Diwali. We used drama to act out the story of Rama and Sita and then made paper lanterns.


This week we have started our new science learning which is all about the uses of every day materials. For our first lesson we conducted an experiment to investigate which materials of every day objects would be suitable to hold a jug of water. We really pushed ourselves to use our problem solving skills.

Autumn 1

Maths- Partner Work

In Maths we have enjoyed using practical resources and working with our partner to complete our work. We enjoyed sharing our ideas together. 

Year 2 Bodies in Motion

In Art, we have been looking at the artist Scott Eton and his collection called Bodies in Motion. We used similar positions to create our own collage of images.


We explored how germs are spread by taking part in this glittery experiment. We discovered how easily germs are spread.


We enjoyed putting our acting skills to the test this week using our class book Willy the Wimp to explore different character's emotions. 

Counting in 2s!

In our maths lesson we enjoyed using Numicon and Multi-Link to consolidate our understanding of counting by 2. We also explored odd and even numbers.

Making Maps- Grid Referencing

In todays lesson, we worked really hard to draw a map of the school using grid referencing. We even included a key! 



In our Geography lesson, we followed a map of the school. The children were asked to think about what is important to them in the school grounds and what landmarks stand out to them the most. 

Maths- Writing Numbers

In our Maths lessons we experimented with different ways to write our numbers. We used part-whole models before writing, numicon and other activities to consolidate our understanding.

Let's Move with Year 2!
In English, we have been reading Mary Bradshaw's poem 'Let's Go!' We have been acting out all the verbs we have learnt in order to write our very own list poem all about movement.
