Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
This week in our PSHE lesson we had a look at the communities we are part of and how we would welcome someone new into our community.
We have also been busy designing our Ancient Greek vases with a modern twist. We first drew the vase outline, then coloured the full vase with either cool or warm tones in oil pastels and finally painted over in black paint. Once the paint was dry using a tool we scratched a pattern and a picture to show what we enjoy today. These along with the myths are now in the corridor on display and they look great – Well done Year 4!
In English, we have started a new book – The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman. The children really enjoyed the start of the book and it was great timing for Bonfire Night and so we did some Art using the same technique for our vases.
Here the children drew what they imagined from the setting description in the story.
And this was our art around Bonfire Night.
In Science, we have been learning about oral hygiene. We wrote instructions to Year 1 on how to brush our teeth well! They absolutely loved it!
Well done to Cormac and Lyla who were voted school councillors for Year 4!