Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Cross Gates Primary is a school where our children from ages 2-11 are at the heart of our decision making. We know our children as individuals and we tailor our teaching and learning to their needs. We are proud of our family ethos and celebrate the fact our thriving one form entry school is central to the community. We nurture our children from the moment we meet them in our Nursery setting through to when they fly the nest in Year 6.
We pride ourselves on our updated knowledge rich spiral curriculum which is exciting and challenging. Our professional and dedicated staff have high expectations of the children and we work hard to foster a love of learning from all.
There is always a buzz of excitement in the air and we hope our website and our Twitter feed @CGPrimarySchool will give you a flavour of some of the exciting opportunities and curriculum enrichment that happens at Cross Gates.
Our ethos of "Aspire, Learn, Succeed" underpinned by our 7R values, permeate throughout school. Don't just take our word for it, come and see for yourself!
Mr James Garden
#Resilience #Responsibility #Resourceful #Relationships #RiskTaking #Reflective #Respect