
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

W/C 27/11/23

This week, the children were building on their understanding of the composition of numbers from last week. They were very busy investigating the composition of 3, 4 and 5. Composing and de-composing numbers involved the children investigating part–part–whole relations, e.g. seeing that 3 can be composed of 1 and 2. Through exploration with interlocking blocks, they consolidated their understanding of a whole being made up of smaller parts. They recognised that numbers can be made by combining parts in different ways. One key focus this week was investigating the spatial arrangements that can be made with different combinations of the same number of objects through printing. We linked this activity to the 'Stampolines' episode of Numberblocks.
