
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Autumn 1

History and Science K.O 

We have been very busy this week settling into our new classroom and have had lots of fun in our provision learning areas! Look at what we have been up to...

In PE, we had to cross from one side of the hall to the other just using hoops! We had to make sure everyone was in the hoops before we moved on. It was very tricky! 

In Maths, we have been looking at 1 less. We did this lesson practically by using cubes to help us work out one less than a number. We did a great job! 

In Science, we learnt about our body parts. We played head shoulders knees and toes and Simon says to help us learn them. We then went outside, drew around ourselves with chalk and labelled our body parts correctly. 

In PSHE we looked at feelings. We talked about the different things we feel and how to deal with them when they arise. We then made our own faces out of play dough, showing different emotions. 

We have been looking at the season of Autumn and have found out about Harvest. We explored our tough tray which was filled with harvest fruits and different autumnal objects. We then created our own tree for Autumn.

In our English lesson, we learnt about fiction and non fiction stories. We then were given lots of books and we had to have a read of them and decide if they were fiction or non fiction! 

We looked at capital letters today. We learnt when we use them and what they look like. We then had a matching game of pairing the lower case and upper case letter together. 

In Art, we listened to some music that made us think of the sea and waves! We then had big pieces of paper on the floor and when listening to the music, drew different lines that we imagined the waves to look like. 

As part of our Science learning, we went on a seasons walk! We found cookers, crunchy leaves and a squirrel! 

In our RSHE lesson, we learnt about playground games from around the world. We played choom choom from America, where we had to pretend to be a train and not fall over! We also played Find the bear from Canada where we became a bear if caught, and had to shake another bears hand to become human again.

Super independent learning from Amelia! 
