Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
This week, the children have continued to develop their subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting) in increasingly complex arrangements. Some arrangements were easier to subitise than others – e.g. a set of 6 dots arranged in a structured die pattern that exposes the double-3 pattern is easier to recognise than a random arrangement of 6 dots. A key focus this week was to use the children’s developing understanding of doubles to support their subitising skills. By moving away from counting for sets that can be subitised, the children developed their abstract understanding of number, which helps support future calculation strategies. This week’s sessions also encouraged the children to consider when they can subitise and when they might need to use counting as a strategy.
Another key focus this week was the ongoing development of visualising skills: encouraging the children to look carefully at structured arrangements, such as those shown on dice and 10-frames, and then to close their eyes and explain what they saw. This helps children develop their understanding of composition (seeing numbers within numbers) which will help with calculation later on.