Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Welcome to our Class Page
Please check our page each week to share in our achievements, find out what we have been learning about in school and get ideas for ways in which you can support learning at home.
Murphy Class 2022🎉
Sports and Well being Week
We enjoyed looking and identifying trees in our outdoor area. We discovered so many types of trees. Our young Geographers then mapped their route around school using a map from Digi-maps. Lots of children were able to use directional vocabulary and commented on the different things we noticed outside. We even tried hard to label our maps.
We really value the importance of children learning about nature and are so lucky to have some caterpillars in class to observe at the moment. The children have been watching them carefully and talking about them. Some children have continued the interest in observational drawings and have carefully recorded what they can see using pencils. Everyone was fascinated by the strange food in their container commenting that it looks more like sand. To extend this interest we have been learning all about butterflies and moths and enjoyed Julia Donaldson's new book, 'The Woolly Bear Caterpillar.' So many children already knew the life cycle of a caterpillar but were fascinated about the differences between moths and butterflies. This led to lots of new opportunities and child-led writing. The children also enjoyed dressing up in costumes to represent the different stages of the butterflies life cycle. Mrs Frost then told us all about the butterfly which they found outside during after school club and shared the photographs with us.
We can't wait to watch our caterpillars and see how long it takes for them to turn into butterflies. The children were predicting how many days it would take.
Hapa Zome
Continuing art week celebrations we learned about the Japanese art of dying material using flowers. The children loved arranging the flowers onto the material and then had lots of fun smashing the material with hammers. As the colour came out of the flowers the children were captivated with the change in the material!
Art Week- Observational drawings
The children were shown an hidden object inside a bag and were asked to give their own ideas as to what it could be.
"It's rock hard so I think it might be glasses."
"It's a banana shape but really tough."
"That's a triangle shape and there's holes in here."
Once the object was revealed the children were so fascinated and carefully handled the skull. So many questions followed and the children were intrigued by the teeth on the ram's skull. After a period of exploration the children were shown how to look carefully and draw exactly what they see, looking at the lines and shape of the skull. Lots of careful observation and further exploration followed as the children drew their own interpretation of the ram's skull.
Arts Week - Sounds
As part of Arts Week, Reception have enjoyed exploring the sounds of different instruments. We had a discussion about what the instruments sound like and what they remind us of. Emilia said that the drum sounded like a parade! The children also noticed how similar instruments can sound different, for example the Guiros. "The 'big bumps' make a different sound to the 'small bumps'."
The children enjoyed exploring the instruments before making their own music. First, they used picture cards to compose their own music and then then created their own pictorial notations. The children really enjoyed performing to each other!
Jubilee Celebration
What a memorable day filled with awe, wonder, fun and learning!
Today the children were involved in so many activities to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. As we have already learned so much about London and the Royal family we decided to involve the children in lots of activities connected to nature. The concentration seen by so many children when making their Union Jack nature sticks was amazing and the beautiful nature crowns provoked so much discussion about flowers and plants. The nature tea party on the carpet involved so much co-operation, role play and creativity and the transient art pictures showed attention to detail as many of the children chose to make their own interpretation of the Union Jack.
In the afternoon the talented Mr Rickson led a singing session and then we returned to class for party games and a tea party.
Thank you to all our wonderful children in Murphy class, we hope you will remember this day forever.
After making so many fruit and vegetable characters last week we came to school to discover some were missing.
Where could they be?
After a lot of searching we found they had been put into the freezer in the Yorkshire room.
How did they get there and who was responsible?
The children had so many ideas including Mr Garden! Mrs Fisher came to see us and explained that it must be the Evil Pea as this happened two years ago when she was in reception. Oh no what were we going to do?
The children were so excited and so much discussion followed. There were so many ideas as to how we could catch the Evil Pea.
Ralphy and Rylan went digging in the mud kitchen looking for the Evil Pea and Francesca made a trap line to catch him. After the Evil Pea was caught the children decided to put it back into the freezer and Amelia decided we better wrap extra tape onto the container to stop it getting out. Haidie was worried that someone might let him out so she made a sign to put onto the fridge door. A lot of the children problem solved how we could get the vegetable and fruit quickly out of the ice. Lachlan suggested we smash the ice, Anaiis said we should put it in the microwave but Emilia was concerned the vegetables might get too hot. Iyla- Jay thought the best idea was to place them into the sunshine.
We discovered that the banana was now two different colours! The part of the banana under the ice was still yellow but the part which hadn't got ice around it was already going brown! We didn't know that ice could help keep our bananas yellow.
What a busy time we have had. So much collaboration, discussion, problem solving, creativity, scientific enquiry and wonderful writing by our young learners.
My Own Learning
Anaiis found a snail in the outside area. She was really worried about other children standing on it or hurting it so she found a container to place it in and took it everywhere with her. To extend her learning we looked at different snails on the internet and decided that she needed to find some leaves for it to eat. She found lots of dead ones as well and said, "It can hide in here when it needs a sleep." She placed it under the wooden pallet and kept returning to check on it. Annais showed such care and respect for the snail demonstrating such amazing characteristics of learning.
Problem solving and Plants
Unfortunately some of the younger children in first steps have been digging up our seeds so we planted some more in one of the plant pots. The children were worried the little ones might dig them up again so Miss Jessop brought in some netting to put over the pot. Unfortunately we didn't know how to fasten it around the pot. One child suggested we stick it down but the tape kept coming off. Another child suggested we use a stapler but it wouldn't go into the pot. We then found some string and Mrs White suggested we tie it around the top. This worked really well but the children decided to make a sign to stop anyone picking our plants. So far this has worked really well and such super purposeful writing!
During our reading Cafe the children were all fascinated with the book 'Supertato' by Sue Kendra and were keen to listen to the story. Lots of discussion followed and the children kept looking to see if the evil pea was anywhere in school. Following this interest the children were asked to bring in a fruit or vegetable to make into a character. Nearly all of the children wanted to do this and lots of them gave their character a name and a whole personality!
Healthy Teeth
This week we have been learning about our teeth and what we must do to keep them heathy. The children impressed us with their knowledge about remembering to brush their teeth twice a day. Poppie-Mai said, “otherwise you might get caverties!” We also talked about the importance of going to the dentist so they can check our teeth and teach us how to look after them.
The children have been enthusiastic to look at books about teeth and watch videos about how toothpaste is made! They have also been enthusiastic to share their own experiences of visiting the dentist.
Pipes, tubes and problem solving
There has been a lot of interest this week in the tubes and pipes outside. This started with the children creating lots of different arrangements and watching water flow down the tubes. Jakob spent a lot of time connecting so many pipes, creating his own network all over the outdoors. He was so absorbed in his own challenge, trying so many different ones to ensure the tubes fitted accurately and went over or under the obstacles in the outdoors.
This interest continued and groups of children were seen enjoying filling the tubes, trying to ensure no water fell out. Whilst playing the children discovered that the water wasn't coming through the tube at all. In fact they couldn't put a lot of water in the tube without it coming back up! The children examined the pipes as they were all curious as to why this had happened. Anaiis discovered that a tennis ball had been placed right down the tube and was stopping the flow of water. The children tried so many ideas to remove the ball; banging the tube, poking it with a stick, rolling another ball down, but nothing worked. Amelia suggested that they use a knife from the mud kitchen and with a bit of help from an adult the ball was removed! So much learning was evident. Co-operation, problem solving, negotiating, expressing ideas, learning about the properties of water, spatial awareness and all through the children's play.
Whilst planting seeds last week the children were talking a lot about vegetables and Emilia told us all about the vegetables she plants at her allotment. The children wanted to plant some of their own vegetables. To follow this interest we looked at lots of different vegetable seeds and tried to match them to the vegetables they turn into. We discovered that a lot of the seeds look similar, so this was a very difficult task! The children enjoyed examining them and looking carefully at their insides. We then planted some of the seeds to see if we could grow our own vegetables.
Miss Jessop them brought her shopping full of groceries. The children had to help sort them into foods which are healthy and ones that are not.
Archie noticed, "So many of the good ones are vegetables."
"Carrots are so good for you." - Harlen
"I eat yoghurts cos they have milk in." Emilee
"I like sweets but they make your teeth go black." Anaiis
The interest in planting has continued this week as we planted lots of sunflower seeds. We can't wait to see the beautiful flowers grow. The children asked if we can plant some vegetables so next week we will continue with this child led interest.
Creating Awe and Wonder
The children's fascination with our chickens continued this week and we were particularly pleased to discover one had laid it's first egg. There was such a buzz in the classroom and everyone the children saw was told about this exciting news.
We continued this fascination in class and used photographs of the chickens to ignite writing. The children had so many things to tell us about the chickens and were particularly interested in how many eggs they were going to lay. We also used water colours to paint the chickens, carefully looking at the colours and shapes.
Eid Ul Fitr and Ramadan
This week we learned about the Islam festival of Eid and Ramadan. Isla was keen to tell us all about the festival as her dad is fasting at the moment. The children wore Asian clothes, danced to music, drew mendhi patterns and looked at lots of different artefacts. We wish everyone celebrating Eid, EidMubarak this weekend.
Reading Cafes
It was wonderful to start our reading cafes again and welcome so many parents into class. As well as sharing stories the children played phonics games and read decodable books.
Railway Safety
As part of our class project about London, the children have been learning about different modes of transport. They have especially enjoyed learning about the many different ways the Queen travels for different occasions! As part of our project time this week, we have been learning about railway safety and how to stay safe at the station.
The children made some posters to remind everyone of the important rules.
The children were really inspired to follow their interest in trains during their self directed play. They drew a large scale train track on some paper and then included over head cables and electricity warning signs. The children really enjoyed engaging in role play and demonstrated high levels for wellbeing and involvement.
Nature Play - Beautiful Blossom
It was a beautiful day and the children really enjoyed spending time outside in the sunshine. They were very excited to notice the lovely blossom tree in our forest area. We decided to sit underneath the tree rather than our usual 'magic circle' space. The children lay on their backs looking up at the tree. The wind blew and it made some of the blossom petals fall on the ground. We said it was a bit like it was snowing blossom. The children thought this was very funny! The children had a closer look at the blossom and they used words to describe what it was like. They said it was “pink, soft, beautiful”. The children used the clipboards and paper to draw the blossom before adding water colours.
The Chickens have Arrived!
This week we welcomed three new additions to our outdoors, some chickens. The children were so excited and couldn't wait to go and see them. We discussed how to handle them and also the importance of washing our hands after touching them.
What a fantastic experience. Looking after chickens will help the children learn compassion, nurturing, patience, responsibility as well as learning about lifecycles and providing us with some yummy eggs!
Earth Day
Earth day is every year on April 22nd.
Today we learned how to look after the world and we made some promises to remember to put litter in bins, turn lights off, use less plastic and look after animals and plants. The children made their own earth day poster printing their hands around the world. The children wanted to help and were particularly concerned about the animals in the sea and the dangers of plastic. In the afternoon we planted lots of seeds in our outdoor area. The children learned about the importance of plants, trees and flowers.
It was wonderful to welcome so many families into class to celebrate Easter. The children performed four songs they have been learning, one of which ‘Spring Chicken’ is accompanying the photographs above. It was a fantastic afternoon filled with lots of crafts and an Easter egg hunt in the outdoor area. Thank you to everyone who came.
Postcard from London!
This week, Murphy class were really excited because they received a postcard from London!
Murphy class were very enthusiastic to share their expert knowledge about London, including places Mrs Stroud could visit next time.
Bird Nests
This week the children have been spotting signs of Spring. Whilst playing outside, we have noticed lots of bird coming to and fro our beautiful willow tree. When we looked up, we saw several birds nests high up in the branches. This led onto an interesting discussion about birds and how they make their nest. The children were enthusiastic to make their own nests using clay and natural materials they found in the environment.
This week, during our forest school session, the children enjoyed spotting and recording signs of spring.
Writing Cafes
It has been wonderful to welcome so many of our families to our writing cafes this half term. We hope you have enjoyed joining in the activities with the children and learning how we teach writing in Reception.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support and involvement.
Science Week
This week we have been predicting, observing, investigating, experimenting, recording and discussing. This week it has been 'Science week' and what a fun week we have had. The children have been making seed bombs and investigating the best material for a coat for the gingerbread man.
Thank you so much for sharing all the baby photos. The children have loved sharing their photos and trying to work who each baby is. We discussed how much they have changed and talked about the things babies can't do.
Mother’s Day Surprise
This week we have been thinking about all the wonderful things our Mums and grandmas do to help us. We thought about why our mums are special and told everyone. We then looked in the book, ‘Monday’s Hearts’ by Page Hodel and made our own heart pictures. We used lots of resources and chose how we wanted to display them. As this was a transient art activity we took a photograph of our picture to make into these wonderful cards. Happy Mother’s day to all our wonderful mums we hope you like your surprise!
10 Black Dots
In Maths we have been learning about the composition of numbers to 10. We have been exploring how we can make all the numbers from 1 to 10. The book '10 black dots' shows different pictures which can made with black dots. We all made lots of pictures using black dots. Don't you think we have had some great ideas?
What can you do or make with 10 black dots?
The 'Biggest Garlic!'
This week Miss Jessop added an extremely large garlic to our mud kitchen. We were keen to explore this and found lots of small garlics under the layers! We peeled, sliced, mixed and chopped the garlic but also had lots of fun role- playing and taking on different characters! We wonder what will happen to the garlic now it's in our mud area. Will it grow more garlic? We also had very smelly fingers!
Awe and wonder!
To provoke the children's curiosity and develop their ability to think and question things an object was presented to the children to investigate. It was hidden in a bag and the children were told it was something linked to our project. The children verbalised their ideas to others and then felt the object. This led to some children changing their ideas after finding out more information. The children were then shown artefacts, a breast plate and some other parts of a knight's armour! The children were fascinated and lots of discussion followed about it being scratched and rusty in parts!
The children had a problem to solve on number day. Miss Jessop forgot the recipe for our buns so the children had to work out the quantities they needed and how to make them. So much predicting, estimating, measuring, counting and discussion was involved. The children knew they needed to melt the chocolate and Poppie-Mai explained, "This was so the chocolate turned like a liquid." They counted 6 marshmallows onto their buns, to ensure it was fair. Everyone enjoyed having a little nibble whilst we made them.
The interest in castles continued this week as a group of children made a castle to hide the scary tyrannosaurus rex. During project time we learned the names of the different parts of castles and listened to some Royal music. Isla suggested we march to the music and pretend to play the instruments.
Some of the children applied their new knowledge and built their own castle in the construction area, adding a drawbridge and a moat around the castle. The children were really resourceful finding some material from our movement area to resemble the river. A group of children also drew their own castles which we then added to our small world area.
Water Colours
Today a provocation was set up based on our T4W story , 'The Sleepy Bumblebee.' The children observed images of bees and used pens and water colours to paint their own bees. So much intricate detail was added to each child's drawings as they looked closely at the image they were painting.
Chinese New Year
Today, the children had a fabulous day learning about Chinese New Year. They especially enjoyed: dressing up in traditional outfits and dancing, exploring how to use chopsticks, creating Chinese calligraphy symbols and trying new foods. We talked about some of the special Chinese traditions, and whilst reading the story ‘The Great Race’ the children were curious to learn that each year is named after a different animal, this year being named after the tiger!
The Sleepy Bumblebee
This half term in T4W we have been learning the story, 'The Sleepy Bumblebee.' The children devised their own actions and then wrote their own story map. This children did really well learning all of the story.
Our Story Maps
Knights and Castles
Castles is a project that has captivated the children since before Christmas. We decided to explore this interest and have been amazed by the buildings, the story telling, the questioning and the amount of co-operation seen between the children.
Princesses, Knights and dragons seem to be the main characters in the stories from our little authors.
Nature Play - Bubbles
Today was a cold wet and windy day but that didn’t stop us enjoying our nature play session.
“There’s no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing!”
The children had lots of fun making their own bubble wands. We discussed what we could use and the children made suggestions based upon previous nature play sessions. They thought a stick would make a good handle. Poppie-Mai then said, “I know let’s use a pipe cleaner and attach it to the stick.” We used pipe cleaners when we made our cheerio bird feeders so Miss Harrison had some left in her bag. The children explored manipulating the pipe cleaners and attaching them to the sticks - this was quite tricky!
The children were so excited to create bubbles by blowing and dancing in the wind. They showed such pride in what they had created.
We then warmed up by having a hot chocolate and a biscuit!
Big World and Little Me!
Some of the children had shown an interest in the picture Atlas which is in our classroom. As a provocation the children were shown a large map of the world. They were asked if they knew what it was.
Jacob knew it was a map and Olivia amazed us when she told us. "A map is something to look at to see where you are going." Lots of discussion followed this and Emilia told us ,"We live in England."
We found England on the map and noticed how small it was. Poppie-Mae said, "Our planet is our world and we're called Earth." Archie was able to tell us, "We live in Leeds in England." He also knew his own address.
We looked at some of the cold places on the map and Ralphy said, "Santa is up in the North Pole up there."
We wondered if it was warm anywhere on the map. The children talked to each other and Jayse and Amelia were both able to tell us a country where it is really hot. "Australia is dead hot" said Amelia. Jayse told us, "Africa is hot and there's lions there." We then pretended to go on an aeroplane and chose which country we would like to travel to.
We think we have a class full of fantastic Geographers who know so much already about the world.
There has also been a fascination in the ice we found in the outside area. The children loved picking it up and watching it smash onto the ground.
"It looks like Glass!"
"I think the polar bears might come cos it's so cold."
The children discussed where the ice had come from and we explained that the water turns to ice when it's freezing. Ryan was able to explain that the sun melts the ice and makes it water again!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
The children had a wonderful time at our Christmas party. We started with a yummy party dinner and Christmas songs. We played lots of party games, pass the parcel was a big favourite and we couldn't wait to see what surprise was hiding behind each wrapper. The children demonstrated their amazing dance moves and it was great to see everyone joining in. The 'Elf hunt' Mrs White organised was an extra surprise for the children and the children worked together to find all of Santa's little helpers.
We hope everyone has had a super holiday and we can't wait to see all the children in the new year.
Transient Art Trees
Our continuous provision contains loose parts for the children to have lots of opportunities to explore and create with transient art. To extend this the children were provided with a provocation to explore smaller intricate parts and create their own decorated trees. Transient art is moveable art. It is not permanent: it enables children to manipulate, explore, sort, experiment with patterns, shapes and design and redesign. The children created multiple designs and worked together on some designs. We think you will agree they look beautiful.
Missing Reindeers
We arrived at school to discover that some cheeky reindeers had been in the classroom and caused chaos! The reindeers belonged to Santa and had escaped. The children thought of lots of ideas on how to trap the reindeers and get them back to Santa. They looked everywhere to find them and even found some half eaten carrots and reindeer bells in the outdoors. Lots of children made their own 'Missing Reindeer' posters and displayed them around school to help catch the reindeers. We were so relieved when Mr Garden came to see us to tell us Santa had phoned him to say that they had been found and Christmas was saved!
The Nativity
This week in class we were learning all about the true meaning of Christmas. We talked about the birth of baby Jesus and explained that this is what Christians believe. Some of the children remembered about the festival Diwali and amazed me when they knew Hindus celebrate this festival. We have a Nativity set in Class which the children have enjoyed playing with. Our classroom is set up with provocations to entice the children but we also create calm, cosy, natural areas to promote well-being and to nurture the child.
Every Child is an Artist!
Our unique observational drawings of our Nativity scene. Our little artists looked carefully and drew their own interpretation.
Nature Play
Today, during our nature play session, the children made Cheerio bird feeders. The children demonstrated such concentration and determination to thread the Cheerios onto the pipe cleaners and then used their problem solving skills to decide how to fasten the ends together. The children used lots of mathematical language, including counting how many cheerios they had used and whether they had more or less than their friends. Once they had finished, they searched for the best tree to hang their bird feeders. They are very excited to come back next week to see if the birds have enjoyed their tasty treats!
National Tree Week
As part of National Tree Week, the children have enjoyed making a huge transient art tree in our outdoor area. During storm Arwen, lots of small branches fell from our lovely Willow tree so we used these along with logs and leaves to create our finished masterpiece!
Helicopter Stories
The children have really enjoyed taking part in 'Helicopter Stories.' This involves children story telling and story-acting. They tell an adult their own story and at the end of the day we act out the story together. Each story was written by one of our wonderful, creative children and others volunteered to be the different characters in the story when we acted them out. Every child had the confidence to join in the acting and asked to be a character. At the end of each story the children took a bow and all were given a round of applause. The children have wanted to tell us so many stories and lots of the stories involved elephants and space rockets!
Story telling and story-acting helps develop the children's communication, imagination, creativity, confidence and their relationships with others. It's also a lot of fun!
Sensory Bottles
This week we continued the children's interest in mixtures and invited the children to make their own sensory bottles. There was a keen interest in this and lots of children wanted to make more than one. They were shown some sensory bottles to spark their interest and to show them what they could achieve. The children selected their own bottle, filled it with water and then chose different substances to add to their bottles.
In the afternoon, as the sun shone into the classroom the children were intrigued by the effects of the light on their bottles. The children discovered for themselves the effects of the dye and oil on the water. They noticed the bubbles created by the oil and were fascinated with the glitter sticking to the oil.
Junk DNA
This week we have continued our interest in transient art and loose parts by exploring lots of old metal objects. We looked at the items and discussed what we thought they were used for. Transient art is not permanent. It enables children to manipulate, explore, sort, experiment with patterns, shapes and design and redesign. We think the children made such creative pictures.
Creepy Crawlies
The children have been fascinated with insects over the last couple of weeks. They have used our spotting sheets to find the creatures and have looked everywhere to find them. We discovered lots hiding under the logs and wood pallets and realised that lots of minibeasts like damp, wet, shady places. The children were particularly interested in the worms and discovered so many hiding under logs. To support this interest, we watched a programme all about worms and found out lots of interesting facts.
Nature Play
This week, during our nature play session, the children enjoyed collecting sticks. They chose a variety of different shapes and sizes which opened up a lovely discussion. The children enjoyed choosing their own coloured wool to decorate their sticks. The concentration and determination was wonderful to observe. They thought of different strategies to wrap their wool around their stick. Bethany said, “If I just twist the stick it wraps around.” The children thought of imaginative uses for their sticks linked to the story Stanley’s Stick. Jakob said, “Mine is a magic wand!”
The World and Story Telling
Wonderful story telling and curiosity from out little learners in Reception this week. Following the children's interest in the colourful Asian clothes during Diwali we showed the children how Elephants can be dressed up to look colourful too. Just like Elmer in our Favourite Five story. Looking at the photographs one of the children said, "Elephants don't look like this they are grey." To extend the children they watched a clip of Indian elephants walking through a city during a carnival. We looked at a map to find out which countries Elephants come from. Ryan showed his expert knowledge, "We live in England." Amelia impressed us too, "We live in Leeds." When looking at elephants in Kenya Poppie-Mae said, "It's hot there." To continue this interest we looked in a picture Atlas and so many children were knowledgeable about different places in the world. Archie noticed a landmark and accurately said, "that's London."
This week we have been using torches as part of our project on 'Shadows.' Haidie wanted to tell me a story about elephants using torches. Lots of other children joined in telling me their wonderful stories too. Most of the stories involved the elephants wetting everyone with their long trunks. What fantastic story tellers we have in Murphy Class.
The Perfect Slide!
This week a group of children showed an interest in making their own slides. They used our large wooden planks and tried them against different pieces of equipment. The children were very adventurous sliding head first and balancing on the planks. Unfortunately the planks kept falling down. One child found a block to try and stabilise the planks. This didn't work so the children continued to trial different places outside to find the best place to make their slide. After several attempts Mrs Shaw made a suggestion, that we needed something which would attach to the equipment. The children went with Mrs Shaw to find the best bench in the hall. One was perfect as it had hooks to attach to equipment. They chose where to place it in the outdoors and used the hooks to fasten against the climbing frame. The children had so much fun exploring this slide but their problem solving skills and the collaboration to find the perfect slide was amazing.
Our Kindness Tree
As part of Anti-Bullying week we have been reading lots of books about Kindness. We also have a kindness tree in class. The children thought of their own acts of kindness and we wrote them onto our heart shaped tags. When we see acts of Kindness children get to put a heart on the tree. Lots of children have already been given a heart to put on the tree.
What a thoughtful and caring class we are!
Outdoor Fun!
The children have all been enjoying our new outdoor swing. We have so many dare devils in Murphy class who were so confident and jumped straight on! As well as developing our physical skills we have been learning to negotiate with others as we learn to take turns on the swing.
Nature Play
This week, during our nature play session, the children enjoyed searching and collecting Autumn leaves. The children used their leaves to make beautiful leaf decorations. They displayed characteristic of effective learning whilst threading the leaves onto the twine. They were very proud of the finished result.
Maths Week 2021
This week has been Maths Week England # MWE21 and the children have been involved in lots of fun Maths experiences both inside and outside. They particularly enjoyed the shape hunt around our environment finding shapes in the strangest places! We studied different paintings by Wassily Kandinsky, looking for the shapes in the paintings. We used the picture 'Concentric Circles' as an inspiration for our paintings.
Our little learners are certainly creative, making their own circle paintings and showing deep concentration.
Lest We Forget
A little poppy as red as can be to show I remember those who fought for me.
We must never forget.
Bonfire Night!
To celebrate bonfire night we sang lots of songs and listened to a story. We talked about Firework safety and made a yummy firework biscuit. Lot of words were used to discuss the sounds fireworks make.
'Crackle, Fizz, Pop, Bang, Zoom!'
Today we learned all about Diwali- "The Festival of Light." Some of our children are celebrating today and it was very exciting learning about the festival. We wore traditional Asian clothes, performed a Diwali dance, made clay Divas and Rangoli patterns. Don't we all look fabulous?
This week we have been so lucky to have a visit from Ryan's mummy and some of her colleagues from West Yorkshire Fire service, and of course they came in their fire engine. The children were so excited and whilst they were visiting they got a phone call to go to a job. Thankfully they came back later on in the morning and we had a wonderful time learning all about a fire fighters job. We looked at all the different equipment and even got to sit in the fire engine. The most exciting part was when we attached the hose to the fire hydrant and we all got to squirt water everywhere! Everyone loved the visit. Thank you so much Ryan's mummy.
We are really looking forward to welcoming our new children and families to Reception in September.
If you were unable to attend our Reception Welcome meeting in July, please find a copy of the presentation below.