Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Hello Year 2,
We hope you are all keeping safe and well.
We know it is very difficult for everyone at the moment but we hope that you are still trying to do some learning at home and we hope that you are behaving well.
We are missing you all and look forward to seeing your photos on Twitter to see what you are getting up to.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again as soon as it is safe for us to go back to school.
While we are waiting to find out when that will be, we need to you to keep learning every day, keep reading and most of all keep safe.
Lots of love
Mrs Austin and Mrs Fisher
VE day celebrations!
As we would have been celebrating VE day in school this week we would like you to do some research about VE day. Can you make a lovely poster telling us all about VE day? or Could you make a beautiful collage using things that you can find in your home? or Could you make something using ICT on a computer?
Be as creative as you like and don't forget to send a photo to us on Twitter at @CGPrimarySchool because we would love to see what you have created.
Good Luck!