
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Autumn 1

Our First Week in Year 1!

Year 1 have settled greatly into their new classroom, we have explored our outdoor area and used the areas within our classroom to support our learning!

Sam's Safari Visit

We had a wonderful visit from Sam's Safari where we met a range of animals including omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about where all the animals come from as we as being introduced to some new animals!


Louise Bourgeois Art

During the first half term we explored Louise Bourgeois and the models that she had created.

We spent our lesson modelling and rolling out our clay to get the same spiral effect which she created. Once the models had dried we discussed the colour of the model and what material it could be made out of, we used the words brass, metal, silver and shiny. We decided to paint them a bronze colour.
