Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Welcome to Year 2's class page!
We are known as 'Browne class' after our class author Anthony Browne.
Helpful reminders
Reading books and spellings are sent home each Friday, to be returned the following Friday.
Please ensure that you listen to your child read regularly and comment in their reading record. They receive two books each week. Please comment on each book read. Once your child achieves ten comments for home reading sessions, they will receive a 'Superstar reader' certificate in our Gold Book assembly.
Year 2 PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children can come to school in their PE kits on these days.
Summer term
Times Tables
We are gaining so much confidence in our times tables skills!
Mexico Day!
Mexico Day was a jam-packed day full of fun and games! We practised some dancing, wore fancy dress, ate Mexican tacos and even finished the day with a pinata!
Gardening project
We welcomed a huge group of volunteers from Virgin 02 Media to support us with our gardening project. Some of the children helped out too - and with some super teamwork, we emptied and refilled around 12 tonnes of top soil! We are looking forward to planting flowers and vegetables.
Sports Week
Year 2 especially enjoyed taking part in Archery during Sports Week. We finished the week with a super sports day!
Flat Stanley!
We posted our very own Flat Stanley to Mrs Stroud's friends in Mexico. He has been having lots of fun trying Mexican food!
Healthy wraps
As part of our healthy eating DT project, we tasted lots of different fillings to help us to decide what we would like in a healthy wrap. We enjoyed designing, making and eating our wraps!
Special announcement - Eco Warriors!
We are thrilled to announce that Payton and Declan have been elected as our Year 2 Eco Warriors.
Sky Arts Week - Photography project
We explored the beauty of our outdoor area, choosing things which we felt would make interesting photographs. The children enjoyed naming their photos, too!
We are really enjoying our Great Fire of London topic! We welcomed Sally and Anne from Northern Arts Factory, who helped us to learn more about the Great Fire of London through acting and dancing.
Spring term
Use the links below to help you to name the seven continents and five oceans of the world. I bet you will really impress your grown-ups with your fantastic knowledge!
In Year 2, we are enjoying our Geography topic based on the key question, 'Where did the pirates go?'
We have used maps, globes and our new atlases to recap our knowledge of the countries which make up the United Kingdom, their capital cities and the seas which surround the UK!
Ahoy, me hearties!
We had lots of fun on Pirate Day. We brushed up our skills in using directional language by creating some super treasure maps. We are beginning to name the continents and oceans, too!
Our MindMate session taught us all about perseverance.
The challenge was to use lego to build a bridge across the river, for an animal to walk across. It was tricky to find ways to support the bridge in the middle... but with some super teamwork and a 'can do' attitude, we all succeeded!
Spring term
Autumn term
It wouldn't be Christmas without plenty of glitter!
We have enjoyed making cards for our loved ones, as well as following instructions to make some adorable reindeer decorations.
We like to make the most of every learning opportunity at Cross Gates, so we have made sure that we use this festive time to keep reminding ourselves of how to spell the Year 2 common exception word 'Christmas!' Keep up the hard work, Year 2!
It's safe to say that Year 2 have loved our English focus on the story 'Traction Man is here' by Mini Grey. We have worked hard to retell the story using lots of exciting new vocabulary. We will be working on creating our own superhero stories soon.
Our topic this half term is based around the question, 'What was the greatest invention ever?'
We have been learning all about the life of the famous engineer George Stephenson. On our trip to the National Railway Museum in York, we were very excited to see a replica of Stephenson's Rocket, as well as getting to walk on a bullet train!
What better way to learn about instructions than to follow them first? (Especially if it means getting to eat yummy jam sandwiches!)
We practised using time openers and imperative verbs in verbal instructions, before writing our own.
It's that time of year again... NO PENS DAY!
On No Pens Day, we focus on our speaking and listening skills through fun activities. In Year 2, we suggested ways to solve some problems involving measure:
- How many human footprints would fit inside one T-Rex footprint?
- How much bigger were dinosaurs than people?
We used lots of mathematical and scientific skills to solve these problems, and enjoyed taking our learning outside.
Our school chooses to take part in this brilliant event as we believe that Speaking and Listening skills are fundamental. These skills help us to learn, to manage our emotions and to develop friendships.
The whole school took part in Maths Week England!
In Year 2, we took part in lots of fun activities to help us to see that maths is all around us. We used our problem-solving and reasoning skills and especially enjoyed using spaghetti and marshmallows to create 3D shapes.
Over the past two weeks, Year 2 have been learning about how caterpillars grow and change into butterflies.
The children have taken great care of their caterpillars, by making sure that they closely observe them, and by learning all about their needs. We set the butterflies free on our school field.
We were very excited to harvest some carrots! The children remembered planting the seeds in the Summer term of Year 1. We washed, peeled and chopped the carrots before tasting them. Yum!
Autumn term
Our Year 2 teachers are Mrs Stroud and Mrs Sutcliffe. We are supported by Mrs Fisher and Mrs Carr.
This half term, we will be learning all about how to keep our bodies and minds healthy as we try to answer our key question, 'What does it take to be a winner?'
Please come back to see our page - we will update it regularly with pictures of Browne class enjoying their learning!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to us. Here's to a successful, fun and happy school year!
Helpful reminders
Reading books and spellings are sent home each Friday, to be returned the following Friday.
Please ensure that you listen to your child read regularly and comment in their reading record. Once your child achieves ten comments for home reading sessions, they will receive a 'Superstar reader' certificate in our Gold Book assembly.
Year 2 PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Children can come to school in their PE kits on these days.