
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Our Year 4 teachers are Miss Beaumont and Miss Croft. We are supported by Miss Delaney. On a Monday, Mrs Middleton will also be teaching. 


We have lots of exciting and engaging learning opportunities this year. If you require any support or have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and find us.


This year, PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their school uniform and will change before the lesson. For children wearing earrings,  these need to be taken out or covered up. 


Our class author is Anne Fine; we are Fine class. We are currently basing our guided reading sessions around her fantastic books. 



  • Every Friday, the children will take home a list of spellings. They will be quizzed on these the following Friday. Please work on these at home so that the children are fully prepared for the quiz. 
  • Read daily for at least 20 minutes. Please can you ensure that reading books and records come to school every day so that we can listen to your child read during the week.
  • TT Rockstars - please access this as often as possible at home ready for their multiplication times table check in June 2024. 

Number Day and Science of Sound

Year 4 have been learning about the water cycle, and what better way to watch the processes happen than in a bag!

Class 4 had an unforgettable three days on their herd farm residential! Packed with team-building, personal growth, and endless fun.

Year 4 had a blast at their Christmas party and proved to be musical statues superstars!

Class 4 had a fantastic English session today, delving into the key features of non-chronological reports, exploring how these reports are structured.

During our Year 4 Greek Day we researched and bravely presented information about different areas in Greece. In the afternoon we tried different Greek food!

Year 4 wowed us today with their impressive use of figurative language to describe a setting and their ability to infer a character's emotions.

Slingshot Cars - Year 4 have started to build the chassis of their slingshot car in DT

Today, Class 4 enjoyed completing various mathematical challenges as a group linked to Children in Need. While each question developed their maths and financial literacy skills, it also prompted discussions around children's awareness of helping those in need and how BBC Children in Need can make a difference.

We started our new Geography Topic 'Greece' by using Atlases to locate and explore different parts of Europe.

During Ancient Greece Day Year 4 were able to use their imagination to design their own mythical creature and create laurel crowns. During Drama we acted out the Olympic sporting events and also used our bodies to create letters from the Greek alphabet. Lastly we completed our sketches of Greek Urns and competed in a mini Olympic Games.

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed learning all about John Wesley and his accomplishments on their church trip.

Class 4 thoroughly enjoyed their Northern Ballet workshop, working as a team to sequence different movements.

Class 4 enjoyed practising imperative verbs outside today linked to their learning on the Ancient Greek Olympic Games.

Year 4 have settled in brilliantly to the new classroom routines. We have enjoyed practising our drawing techniques ready to create our very own self portrait. This week, we had a visit from Kieran Hudson - a Leeds Rhino player; we were able to get some top tips on how to make it to the Super League.
