Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
We have learnt the following sounds this week:
We have continued to blend words containing the phonemes we have learnt so far. Have a go at some 'robot talk' with your child to blend the following words:
This week, we have also learnt our first tricky word. Tricky words are words that cannot be decoded using the children's phonic knowledge - therefore, they require lots and lots of practise and repetition. For each tricky word, we explicitly teach what the 'tricky part' is (this is highlighted in red).
We have learnt the following tricky word this week:
The tricky part of 'is' is that the 's' makes a 'z' sound.
Can you practise forming some of the graphemes (letters) that we have learnt so far? Use a plate of flour to write the graphemes with your finger. Referring back to the formation rhymes will help your child to remember the correct formation of each grapheme.