
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Extra Curricular Clubs

Clubs will commence for the half term, different clubs will be offered after half term.  All clubs finish at 4.15pm and children will need to be collected from the main school office promptly, by an adult. Please note children will not be able to walk home alone, unless permission has been granted by the headteacher.


If your child has any special educational needs, please speak to Mrs Wilkinson before applying for a place in after-school club. 


There will be a £1.00 per week charge for clubs. Payment for the whole half term is due in full prior to the first session.  Please note, we expect high standards of behaviour and any child who falls short of that will not be allowed to continue for the remaining half term.  

If you would like to apply for an after-school club, please complete the form on REACH MORE PARENTS. If your child gains a place at a club, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

