Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
This week, the children have been consolidating their understanding of the composition of 5 and practising recalling the parts of 5 when 1 part is not visible. A key representation of the composition of 5 was the fingers of 1 hand - the children’s attention was focused on the fingers that are ‘up’ and also those ‘folded down’, connecting this to a rhyme about 5 kittens jumping ‘down’ from the bed. They were encouraged to subitise when an arrangement did show 5, and when it did not.
In addition, the children were able to build on previous work on the composition of 6 and 7 as ‘5 and a bit’, and see that both 8 and 9 can be composed as ‘5 and a bit’. We used a range of representations in which 5 is visible as a clear part, including fingers, the double dice frame and the 10-frame. Discussing and comparing these representations enabled children to generalise that each of the numbers 6 to 9 can have 5 as a part.