Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
This week we haven't learned any new graphemes, instead we have been recapping some of the graphemes that they aren't yet secure with.
We revisited how to make the corresponding phonemes, the letter formation and lots of oral blending of words with these graphemes before practising reading and writing words containing them. Playing 'speedy sounds' together at home is a great way to consolidate learning of the graphemes we have covered so far since the start of the year. The more children play, the quicker their recall which aids their fluency for reading.
Oral blending practice at home:
Once your child is able to orally blend these phonemes to say the word then write each grapheme on a post it and build the word ready for the child to sound talk then blend to read the whole word.
We have also been recapping our 3 tricky words learned so far:
the is I
Home Challenge
This week we would like you to play a game of 'Lucky Dip' with your child.
You will need:
* a feely bag (this could be a gift bag or box or even a pillow case)
* cereal box cut into rectangles to create word/grapheme cards or small pieces of paper that you can fold in half to make them easy to pull out of the bag
1) Write the phonemes we have covered so far on the cards (satpinmdergockhbflu) so that each graphemes has its own card. Then create another 3 cards for each of the tricky words.
2) Place all the cards in the feely bag and shake them up.
3)Take turns to pull a card out of the bag and say the phoneme or read the tricky word.
Once your child is secure with all the phonemes then you can challenge them further by writing decodable words on the cards using the graphemes covered so far (list below) to encourage them to sound-talk then blend to read the word.