Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Welcome to Year 3!
Our Year 3 teacher is Miss Jackson. We are supported by Mrs Nield.
We are looking forward to doing lots of exciting learning this year. If you require any support or have any questions please do not hesitate to come and find us.
Year 3 PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children should come in their school uniform and will change before the lesson. For children wearing earrings these need to be taken out or covered up.
Our class author is Adrian Edmondson, we are Edmondson Class. We have based our Guided Reading and English lessons around his books. We are really enjoying reading them.
Summer 2
Year 3's electrical posters!
Today we learnt all about 2D shapes. We learnt the technical names as well as their properties.
In DT, we are making an electric poster. In todays lesson we practised making a simple circuit which we will attach to the poster.
Sports and Well-Being Week
Summer 1
Fact finding...
In our English lesson today, we found lots of interesting facts to use in our persuasive leaflet- why visit Yorkshire.
Food colouring experiment
In science today, we conducted an experiment to observe what happens when you add food colouring to the water of white flowers. We have written down our predictions to save and find out.
Planting sunflower seeds
As part of our science topic 'Plants' we planted sunflower seeds today and are going to test which is are the best conditions for them to grow in.
Coronation Activities
Year 3 enjoyed their day of Coronation themed activities as well as completing an outdoor learning activity!
We enjoyed beginning to write our sequel to Jack and the Beanstalk today.
Year 3 enjoyed finding out lots about Yorkshire our new unit this half term!
Spring 2
Science Week
As it is Science week next week I have attached a link to a great activity to have a go with at home all about fingerprints. Please send any pictures you take!
Science for Families: Fingerprints - NUSTEM
We will be completing lots of activities in school also.
Science Week- Activity 1
For our first science week activity, we conducted an experiment which links to our current learning of forces and magnets. We gathered natural resources and dropped them from a height to test which fell the quickest.
We concluded, the heavier the object, the quicker it fell to the ground.
Maths- Outdoor Learning
In maths, we have been learning about length and measure. We decided which unit of measure would be best to measure different items in the playground, either meters, centimetres or millimetres.
We re-enacted the story of when Howard Carter found Tutankhamun's tomb in history.
Year 3's Museum Trip
We had a great time learning lots about history before heading to our Ancient Egypt workshop today!
World Book Day 2023
We had a great time celebrating World Book Day in Year 3!
In Science, we have been testing how magnets attract and some materials and others not so. We have also been investigating forces such as push and pull and how magnets feel as you hold them near one another.
In DT we have been designing and making a pyramid. In our lesson, we investigated what material is best to make the pyramid with.
In English, we have started to read our new text Tutankhamun's Tomb. We have found lots of interesting vocabulary in the book which we have found the meaning of using a dictionary!
Spring 1
Egyptian Dance and Drama Workshop
We really enjoyed our dance and drama workshop learning about the Egyptians!
Number Day!
We had lots of fun with numbers this week. We had a great time outdoors finding the answers to our timetables using natural resources.
More Science!
This week in Science, we have been finding out what fossils are! We then used clay to make our own imprints and traces.
This week in history we have been interpreting what life in Ancient Egypt was like by looking at photographs. We gave group presentations to explain our findings.
This half term in science we are investigating rocks! This week we have been experimenting which rocks are permeable and which are not.
Guided Reading
In our latest guided reading sessions we have been exploring new vocabulary using our VIPERS. We used a dictionary to find the meanings of words we were unsure about.
Autumn 2
Multiplying by 3.
In maths, we have began looking at group of three. We have been using our knowledge of equal groups and began to multiply using 3.
Science- Light
We have been learning lots about shadows and light in our science lessons. We proved that shadows can only be made when light is blocked.
The Stone Age
This half term we have been answering the question, 'Could Cavemen Write?' We have been investigating the changes in British society all the way from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We have been creating our own cave paintings using charcoal, investigating how difficult it would be to draw in our own "caves" and using drama to covey what hunting for food would look like.
RE- Synagogue Visit
To support with our RE topic (Judaism) Year 3 visited a local Synagogue to support with their learning. We learnt lots interesting facts as well as being able to see, first hand, the religious objects and symbols we have learnt so much about.
Autumn 1
Where in the world are we?
As part of our geography topic 'Where in the world are we?' Year 3 went on a local walk of Cross Gates. We learnt lots of new and interesting facts and investigated the biggest land use of Cross Gates which is housing. We are going to now use our mapping skills to draw a map of our local area.
Guided Reading
We have been reading the book 'Meerkat Mail' and sharing lots of exciting ideas using our VIPERS. We have started to research all about meerkats as we are currently writing a fact file.
In science this half term, we have been learning more about the human skeleton. We used our problem solving and investigation skills to make our own skeleton. We also learnt all the names of the different bones.
Here is some of the work we have done using tablets and laptops