
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Year 6

Hello and welcome to Blackman Class! We are named after the British author Malorie Blackman and will be working on several texts by this author through out the year.    

The adults who work in our class are: 

- Miss Wilson

- Miss Cantwell 

- Mrs Pavey

We also work very closely with: 

- Mrs Hanif

- Mrs Middleton


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries throughout the year. 


Key notices:

PE: Monday and Thursday.

  • The children need to bring a full PE kit and water bottle on these days. Earrings must be removed or (if freshly pierced) the children need to bring in tape to cover them up. Adults in school will not remove earrings or provide tape. 



  • Every Friday the children will take home a list of spellings and a maths focus to work on at home. They will be quizzed on these the following Friday. Please work on these at home so that the children are fully prepared for the quiz. 
  • Reading daily for at least 20minutes. Please sign reading logs. 
  • TT Rockstars - please access this as often as possible at home. 
  • Purple Mash - all children can access this learning tool from home.

Spring Term

Autumn Term


Open doors: a busy afternoon of Blooket fun

Maths: Investigating measures in maths

PSHE: Evaluating risky situations and coming up with solutions.

DT: Designing a steady hand game

DT: Investigating steady hand games before designing our own.

Fire Safety: The firefighters from Killingbeck Fire Station spoke to us about keeping safe during Bonfire Night.

Knowledge Organisers:


Science: Exploring circuits during our lesson on electricity.

Art: One-point perspective

Maths: Working together to explain our reasoning and solve problems.

English: Working together to edit and improve the quality of our writing

History: Using the corridor timeline to order significant events in British history.

Reading: Exploring vocabulary using Blooket and Heads Up

Art: Developing our drawing skills by creating self-portraits

Knowledge Organisers

