Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
This week, we have consolidated our understanding of the composition of the number 5 using the well known number rhyme '5 little speckled frogs'. We have used lots of practical resources such as toy frogs, counters and cubes to partition the number 5 (split it into parts). Through composing and decomposing numbers, the children have investigated part-part-whole relations such as that 5 can be made up of 3 and 2, 4 and 1 or 5 and 0. Later in the week, children have been encouraged to visualise numbers within 5 and work out how many are hidden when they know the whole number in a set. For example, children were shown 3 frogs sitting on a log and the remaining frogs were hidden in the 'pool' - children were able to use their knowledge of the composition of the number 5 to know that there were 2 frogs hidden in the pool without looking.
Home Challenge!
Find 5 of the same object around your house (spoons, socks, cars). Using a tea towel or blanket, take it in turns with your child to hide some of the objects. Can they tell you how many are hidden without looking? Ask your child how they know! E.g. I know there are 2 hidden underneath because there are 3 left - 3 and 2 makes 5.