Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
This week, we have been exploring how numbers are composed of 1's and using this knowledge to begin to find out about the composition of 3 and 4. The children are learning that numbers are made up from smaller amounts and exploring the concepts of part and whole. For example, they are beginning to understand that 3 is composed of 1 and 2 so 1 is a part of 3, 2 is a part of 3 and 3 is the 'whole'. The children have been perfecting their subitising skills to 'spot' 1, 2, and 3 within arrangements of 3 and 4.
Home Challenge
This week it would be great if the children could go for a nature walk and collect some autumnal treasures to sort at home into groups of 3 or 4. They are very welcome to bring their treasures into school to show their classmates and share their mathematical thinking and we would love to see photos on Tapestry.
You could also play a game of '3 or not 3' to support children further with their subitising skills. Draw arrangements of spots on post it notes or small pieces of paper (1, 2 or 3 spots on each post it) and flash the picture at the children for a couple of seconds. The children show thumbs up for 3 and thumbs down for 'not 3'. You could also encourage them to show the number they saw on their fingers then look again at the picture to check. We have also included some pictures that you could use in the same way below.