Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Did you enjoy thinking about how we are all the same but different, last week? This week we will be thinking about road safety and keeping ourselves safe when we are out and about.
We are very excited about taking part in the ‘School Streets’ scheme. We’re restricting access to traffic outside schools at the opening and closing times of the school day. This will help us reduce air pollution and keep us safe from the traffic. This gives us a chance to get to school actively and helps us to stay healthy.
Below are this week's files. To help you with your maths, remember to visit the BBC Bitesize website, or the White Rose Maths website, where there are videos to explain the learning.
Spellings are on Purple Mash and other activities you can do. We are marking your work so remember to have a look once you have posted it back to us.
Remember we would love you to share your learning on Twitter @CGPrimarySchool it always makes us smile!
Be Kind, keep smiling and stay safe
From all the Year 4 Staff