Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
A big warm welcome to Year One's class page! We are Julia Donaldson class and I will be your teacher (Miss Robinson) and we are joined by the lovely Miss Pask to help us with our learning. There is lots of exciting things planned for the year so keep looking back on this page to see all of the amazing things we get up to.
Important Information
- PE will take place every Tuesday and Monday. Please ensure your child has their full kit on these days and that earrings are taken out.
-Spellings will be sent home every Friday to be practised, ready for a test the following Friday.
- Reading should take place every night if possible with reading logs signed. Books will be changed weekly.
- Children in Year One will sit a phonics screening test in June 2025, any extra support and activities you can do with your child will benefit them. If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to come and see me and we can arrange a time to meet.