
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed


Cross Gates Primary School is a highly inclusive school, dedicated to ensuring that all children irrespective of gender, race, faith, disability and social status, are provided with the strategies and support they need in order to make them feel included and help them to progress. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual children, or groups of children. This means that equality of opportunity and high expectations must be a reality for our children. We work in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs. The school’s SEND policy and procedures ensure that high expectations, early intervention and appropriate support for all our children in in place to ensure our children reach their full potential.


Mrs Sophie Wilkinson is the Assistant Head for Inclusion and SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) responsible for overseeing the SEND provision throughout school. 


While the staff at Cross Gates Primary School strive to provide these opportunities, we believe that a child’s education is not the sole responsibility of the school but a partnership between staff, parents and professionals. All parents play a vital part in their child’s education and we endeavour to do our best to support parents in their role.


The Hub and Sensory Room

We were excited in September 2022 to open The Hub, an onsite additional provision for pupils with complex speech and language needs including Autism. This is housed in a modular building which incorporates areas of continuous provision, a structured teaching area, a dedicated PECS area, a sensory room and an accessible toilet. This allows us to provide children a calm quiet space for them to access learning tailored to their individual needs. The sessions in the mornings are run on an intervention timetable for shorter periods of time. In the afternoon, we have two groups who access The Hub. One group from KS1 access it for three full afternoons a week, the other group of nursery pupils access it for two full afternoons. These sessions are led by a qualified teacher and supported by SEN Assistants. The children are provided with access to the curriculum, which planned and delivered for each individual. It also includes time for speech and language interventions such as Intensive Interaction and The Attention Bucket and the sensory intervention, Tacpac. Children who access The Hub are identified by school, they do not need to have a diagnosis or an EHCP. 


We were very fortunate to be awarded some funding by Tesco which we have used to create our sensory room. This has been a really exciting project and we are so pleased to be able to offer this to our children. Please have a look at the video and photos available.


Still image for this video

Sensory Circuits

School Offer

The school offer describes how we support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Cross Gates Primary School. We have set out the information in a series of Frequently Asked Questions to make the information accessible. More information can be found in the SEND Policy. 


Information regarding the Leeds Local Offer can also be found below along with a link to the website.

SEND Policy March 2024
