Cross Gates
Primary School
Aspire, Learn, Succeed
Hello Year 6,
I hope you learned more about how to keep safe when you are out and about with our road safety activities last week. This week we are learning about different countries in the world.
Below are this week's files. To help you with your maths, remember to visit the BBC Bitesize website, or the White Rose Maths website, where there are videos to explain the learning.
Remember if you want extra challenges there are loads of links on the main class page as well as Oak National Academy (On-line classroom providing free daily lessons in English, maths and foundation subjects)
Spellings are on Purple Mash but I have added a practice sheet below to help you with them.
Remember we would love you to share your learning on Twitter @CGPrimarySchool it always makes us smile!
Be Kind, keep smiling and stay safe
From all the Year 6 Staff