
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed


Home Learning for 11.1.21

It is so important you continue practising your time tables knowledge at home. There are many resources available like TTRS, Hit the Button, Purple Mash etc.


Every Tuesday to Friday complete the time tables test below. You have 4 minutes for each test and it will cover knowledge all the way to the 12 time tables. 


You can do the time tables test at any point of the day like before the afternoon session two or at the beginning of your math's lesson - it is up to you.


If you are unable to print it out - write your answers down neatly on a piece of paper then get an adult or elder brother or sister to check through your answers to see how well you did.

Tuesday 12th January

Wednesday 13th January

Thursday 14th January

Friday 15th January
