
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Year 1 (Hedgehog Class)

Updated 3rd July 2020





Online Safety At Home


#OnlineSafetyAtHome has been created by the NCA-CEOP Thinkuknow Education Team to support parents and carers during COVID-19 and the closure of schools.

Each fortnight, they are releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities and film clips that parents and carers can do with their child to support their online safety at home. 

You can access these packs at

A very warm welcome to all the children, parents and carers of Hedgehog Class!

We are very excited to be back and hope that you all had an enjoyable summer.  The children  have settled really well into Year 1 and we have already done some fantastic work.  Our half-termly newsletter will be displayed below and will also have been sent to you via Parentmail. Please do have a read through and come and ask us if there is anything you are unsure about.

We have an open door policy which means we are here to answer any question - no matter how big or small! We love to celebrate all the things that happen in Year 1 so do keep visiting this page to see what is going on.

Mrs Turner, Mrs Snee and Mrs Pawsey.

Happy St Patrick's Day from Year 1!

Stone Soup a traditional tale. Perhaps year 1 can tell you the story? We have also planted some beans to watch them germinate.

What a busy week: St David's Day, planting our nasturtiums for Harlow Carr, drama in the hall, team games with Mr K and World Book Day fun.

Year 1 are really enjoying these books written and illustrated by Mo Willems. The pigeon is quite a cheeky character with lots to say and we enjoyed acting out parts of the story in a drama session.

How does your garden grow? Year 1 have launched their topic by being plant detectives in our school grounds. We are hoping when Spring comes there will be lots more plants to see.

Happy Pancake Day from Year 1. We have learnt a poem and made pancakes.

NSPCC Number Day - thank you for your support, the children had a wonderful day!

Fun with numbers to 50 - any excuse for a game of Bingo!

Thank you to everybody who came to our bedtime story event - here are some of the books that we have been reading in class.

Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain

This is a reading of "Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain" by Verna Aardema. The music is by the Traditional Rhythm Band from Botswana, Africa. Year 1 are enjoying reading the book and exploring new vocabulary- click on the story and tell us what you enjoyed about it.

We have had another postcard from Paddington - he is in Kenya and we have already learnt a great deal about this country.

January buddy reading

Talking Pants

Talk Pants parent letter

We had a great time walking down to the library on Friday and also visiting the travel agents in Cross Gates. A big thank you to Hays Travel for making us feel so welcome and well done to all the children for their excellent behaviour.

We had such fun baking buns to raise money for Grandad Wheels - thank you to everyone who bough a bun.

Grandad Wheels - thank you to everyone who bought a book, the children really enjoyed listening to the story and designing a futuristic wheelchair for Grandad Wheels.

Year 1 Topic letter Spring 1, 2020

Happy New Year from Year 1! There are a few changes to the classroom .... an igloo book corner and a travel agents. We can't wait to find out Where in the world is Paddington?

Paddington Bear has sent us a postcard from London and will be sending us a postcard from all over the world every month!

Representing numbers to 20 in different ways.

We had a lot of fun at the disco last night.

Advent - trimming up the book corner!

Marvellous Maps - what a busy week: learning about St Andrew's Day, looking for Scotland in atlases,,making our own maps of real and imaginary places. Yesterday we went on a walk around Cross Gates even though the weather was a bit damp!

The 8 facts of addition and subtraction - can your child tell you what is going on in the picture?

Multi-Skills Taster Session

Fun with measuring and making numbers to 10!

Planting bulbs in the KS1 garden.

A big thank you to Langlands Garden Centre for coming to plant daffodil bulbs with us.

No pens day! What will we do? Talking, cooperating, gluing, cutting, painting, sorting, counting, building, adding and so much more!

How to help your child with reading at home.

Autumn 2 topic letter - What if an alien landed in Cross Gates?

Using our five senses to look for Autumn objects and explore with clay.

Science - using our five senses to explore. We smelled, touched, looked at and tasted tropical fruit - passion fruit, pomegranate, pineapple, avocado and mango!

Judo taster session - what a lot of fun!

We made the animals that we saw when Sam Safari came to visit and created a class exhibition! We used Plasticine and had to be very strong!

Buddy reading - we look forward to Fridays.

Buddy reading with Year 4.

More maths - greater than, less than, fewer, equal.

Making Food Faces!

Box modelling - making animals with the correct body parts

Our Music Workshop

This week we are reading Farmer Duck. What types of animals live on a farm? Herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?

How to support your child at home

How many hedgehogs can you stack? - fine motor skills and counting!

Autumn 1 Newsletter
