
Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Cross Gates

Primary School

Aspire, Learn, Succeed

Year 2

Maths Day

More fun outside looking at capacity.

Outside learning - Science

Fun in the sun with our Maths this week. Capacity and length.

Designing houses

Finishing our Fire of London houses

Year 2 enjoying a well deserved fun afternoon.

A visit from the RNLI

Please come along to our Bedtime Story Event!

Red Nose Day

Science Week - making static electricity

World Book Day

Spring 2 Newsletter

Excellent writing in Year 2

Our new art display.

Year 2 working hard on timestablesrockstars

Practical maths making 2D shapes

Meeting for Year 2 parents

Spring 1 Newsletter

Nativity Dress Rehearsal

Christmas Party - Year 1 and 2

Christmas jumper day

Our trip to the Railway Museum

Tired at the end of the day.

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Welcome to Year 2


What a fantastic group of children we have in Year 2.  We are delighted to be working in partnership with you as parents and carers to ensure all our children achieve their potential.  Our school motto of 'Respecting Others, Learning Together, Moving Forward' is key to our thinking in Year 2.  


Please do ask your child about our 6Rs and how they support them with learning and developing; Resilience, Resourceful, Relationships, Risk taking, Reflective, Responsible.


If you have any questions or queries, please do come and ask.

We have been following instructions to make pumpkin lanterns.
